Cardiac Surgery in a Patient with Influenza Pneumonia


Influenza infection during surgery have shown to affect the outcomes in terms of increased length of stay and increased chances of admission into critical care unit. Apart from the post-op complications, these patients also throw a challenge in terms of infection control. It is a general consensus to delay the elective surgery till patient recovers from active influenza, but delaying surgery may not be feasible in case of emergency situations like the case presented here. Medical literature is flooded with data on various epidemiological, clinical and prevention strategies on influenza but very little literature is available on surgical issues on patients with active influenza. Study done by Spaeder et. al showed that pediatric patients with active influenza and respiratory syncytial virus infection in the perioperative period had increased length of stay and increased chances of unplanned ICU admission. In another case series, patients with common surgical emergencies (traumatic epidural hematoma, intestinal obstruction and cutaneous mucormycosis) along with influenza infection had poor outcomes.