Cobalt-Chromium RapamycinEluting Stents with Biodegradable Polymer in Coronary Artery Disease


Implantation of stents is an eوٴective treatment for revascularization of narrowed and obstructed coronary arteries. Although BareMetal Stents (BMS) have shown remarkable improvements compared with balloon angioplasty, the long-term success of BMS is hindered owing to the risk of restenosis and requirement of a re-intervention. To overcome these limitations, Drug-Eluting Stent (DES) technology was developed. DES is a localized drug delivery system designed to release drugs such as rapamycin (sirolimus) or its analogues into narrowed coronary arteries to minimize the risk of restenosis. DES has demonstrated to reduce neointimal hyperplasia aіer vascular injury and, hence, expected to be more eوٴective than BMS in averting angiographic restenosis. Нe technology used in DES has significantly evolved over the past two decades. Biodegradable (second-/third-generation) Polymer DrugEluting Stents (BP-DES) have demonstrated improved prognosis of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs) compared with Durable Polymer Drug-Eluting Stents (DP-DES). BP-DES have demonstrated reduction in the inflammatory response of arterial wall.