Addition of bacterial cultures to a contaminated medium; frequently used in bioreactors and ex situ systems
Use of microbial stripping columns to treat (mostly) air emissions or odors (volatile compounds)
The injection of air under pressure can enhance biological degradation; usually performed in situ; noninvasive
Stimulation of indigenous microbial populations in soils or groundwater; which can be performed either in situ or ex situ
Biodegradation in a container or reactor; may be used to treat several liquid wastes or slurries; rapid degradation kinetics but relatively high capital and operational cost.
Method of treating contaminated soils by drawing oxygen through the soil to stimulate microbial growth and activity
Aerobic, thermophilic treatment process; can be performed by using static piles, aerated piles, or continuously fed reactors; low cost but extended treatment time
Land farming
Solid-phase treatment system for contaminated soils; may be performed in situ or in a constructed soil treatment cell; cost-efficient